No one wants a trip to the hospital, especially during the holidays, You would insist on keeping healthy and well and pray to avoid hospitals and doctors as much as possible. However, aging is a natural process and is very certain to happen. As you age, your body experiences various changes, thus medical testing is very important. There are 4 medical tests that you should have every year. Medical tests enable you to understand the ongoing changes in your body. Plus, help you recover from any negative alteration that might be occurring in your health.

To help you maintain and to keep your precious life healthy, a few medical tests should be taken on a yearly basis.

Bone Mineral Density Test

To know better if you are in the radar of osteoporosis, a bone mineral density test should be taken. Osteoporosis results in week and aching bones, therefore having a DXA (dual-energy X-ray) test should be taken to know the status of Osteoporosis. This test is safe and noninvasive.  The DXA will show if you have osteopenia, a pre osteoporotic state.  Your physician will treat you according to the results.

Clinical Breast Exam or Mammogram

Both type of medical exam can show the presence of a breast cancer while it is restricted to the breast. At the age of 20 years your doctor will examine your breasts manually. At the age of 40 a mammogram (X ray of breasts) should be done every year. In case of an abnormal mammogram result, your doctor will ask you to undergo a breast ultrasound or a breast MRI in some cases.


To detect a colorectal cancer, colonoscopy is conducted. If you have a family history of colorectal cancer the chances of early symptoms are to appear around the age of 50. Colonoscopy is done to find the development of polyps and growth. In case of the presence of polyps, it will be biopsied and removed.

“An ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure.”

Heart Health Test

If you have a family history of heart disease or cardiac arrests, the heart health test is very important.This includes your blood pressure and heart beat at your check up. If the doctor determines irregular heartbeats, or if you have been experiencing palpitations, this will indicate a cardiac rhythm disorder and medications will be required. If your blood pressure appears to be higher than 130/90, you will be diagnosed with hypertension.

These 4 tests are the basic indicators of the most alarming growing age diseases. To avoid finding yourself in a chronic state of any of these diseases, have them tested every year. Having these diseases diagnosed at early stages can prevent the risks of being in a highly health compromising situation. During your regular checkups, ask your physicians to prescribe these tests in order to know the condition of your health in a better manner.

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